Dear Parents
This is the final letter of the academic year and as always I hope you and your families are keeping well. I thought it would be helpful to provide you with key information about the start of the next academic year.
As we look ahead to September, and a return to what we hope is normality, please see the arrangements for the start and end of the day. The guiding principle for these arrangements is to enable the smooth and safe pick-up and drop-off arrangements for you and your children.
At the end of the day we will no longer have a one-way system. Parents will arrive at one entrance and leave through the same entrance. We do ask all of our parents to leave the site promptly.
• Please note, if government guidelines change over the summer, and I need to amend these arrangements, I will update you in time for September.
• Please remember we have a ‘soft start’ where our children in Y1 – Y6 can arrive over 10 minutes.
• All Reception and nursery children have different start dates in September, which have been given to parents in their Welcome Packs. They will not be starting on 2nd September. Sade will be calling all EYFS families during the summer holidays to confirm the information you have received in your welcome packs
• Year 1 children will walk to their class through the blue door and through the main school reception area.
• Early in the autumn term the Year 6 children will have the opportunity to walk home on their own with written permission from their parents. There will be more information to follow.
Please see below information about our new uniform. New uniform will have our new Larkhall Primary Campus logo on it.
Uniform Expectations:
• Children must have at least 1 school logo jumper
• Other school jumpers can be plain but must match the 4 school colours exactly
• Children must have at least 1 pair of navy logo bottoms
• Other jogging bottoms must be navy (not black, or grey)
• Black trainers only (strictly no trainers with a coloured emblem)
• EYFS children must have black trainers with velcro only (no laces)
• Children must have a Larkhall Primary Campus bag
• Book bags Nursery – Y2
• Rucksacks Y3-6
Collection of uniform will be week commencing Monday 23rd August 2021. We will update you via text when your uniform is ready for collection. When you come to collect the uniform please bring your receipt as proof of payment and your child/ren with you to ensure the garments fit before you take it away.
We would like to invite all of our parents to a meeting very early in the new academic year. This meeting will be used to inform you of the expectations of your child in their new year group; you will also meet your child’s new teacher and see the learning environments. Our Parent Handbook will be emailed out to all parents, providing you with everything you will need to know.
These meetings will last for approximately 20 minutes and during this time your child can either be with you or play in the Adventure Zone where they will be supervised by our staff.
Year Group Date and Time
Year 1 These will be happening over the course of a few weeks, with a few parents at each meeting. These are designed this way because these children are moving from one part of the school (Smedley Street) to another part of the school (Gaskell Street)
Year 2 Tuesday 7th September @ 3.15
Year 3 Wednesday 8th September @ 3.15
Year 4 Thursday 9th September @ 3.15
Year 5 Monday 13th September @ 3.15
Year 6 Tuesday 14th September @ 3.15
• Meetings for Reception and Nursery have taken place this week. There will be further EYFS meetings later in term 1 once children have settled in
Last Friday all children received their end of year report. You will have noted that we have created a Summer Learning Challenge for you to work on with your child. These activities are designed to be fun, quick and easy for you to do over the summer!
Your support with completing these activities will really support your child with being ready for the new school year. Key sound, word and number skills will be assessed by their new teachers in September.
In the autumn term we will be starting our After School Activities. Commencing early in the term, there will be a selection of clubs for our children to attend. They normally start straight after school and finish at 4:15pm. More details will be provided at the start of next term and during the new year group Parent Meetings.
Please check our website for up to date information or contact the school office on 020 7622 3820 or email Please note the school office will be closed between Monday 9th August – Friday 20th August 2021.
A thought for the staff at Larkhall,
I want to end by paying tribute to all of the staff here at Larkhall. Through this academic year the staff here have been magnificent. They have dealt with everything thrown their way and I am incredibly proud of the efforts made by every single person in our team.
That’s it from me. As always, if there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways.
Have a great summer.
Best wishes,