Uniform 2024 – 2025
We became Larkhall Primary Campus from September 2021 to reflect the many services our families can access. Below you will see information about our new uniform. New uniform will have our new Larkhall Primary Campus logo on it. Please note that all children must follow the uniform expectations. However, as per our previous letter, children can continue to wear the current uniform if it still fits whilst we transition into our new name.
Uniform Expectations:
- Children must have at least 1 school logo jumper
- Other school jumpers can be plain but must match the 4 school colours exactly
- Children must have at least 1 pair of navy logo bottoms
- Other jogging bottoms must be navy (not black, or grey)
- Black trainers only
- EYFS children must have black trainers with velcro only (no laces)
- Children must have a Larkhall school bag
- Bookbags Nursery – Y2
- Rucksacks Y3-6
Water Bottles:
From September parents will need to provide a water bottle that children must bring into school every day with them. These will be returned home daily to be washed. You can choose to buy one from a local shop or to have a school logo bottle.
Unfortunately, we cannot allow
- Jewellery (except small studded earrings)
- Make up
- Nail varnish or acrylic nails
- Temporary tattoos
- Coloured hair extensions or hair dye
- Shaved motifs in hair
- Toys
- Football boots/trainers (except to wear at playtime)
- Umbrellas
- Sunglasses
- Baseball caps
All prohibited items on this list will be confiscated. It is parent’s responsibility to come in and sign for items in order to collect them.
Nail varnish will be removed by the child on the day they are wearing it.