Meet the Governors

The Governing Board works with the Senior Leadership Team to provide strategic leadership and scrutiny of our effectiveness. The Governing Board comprises people from the local community, parents, local authority and staff, including the Head Teacher. Some governors are voted for by parents and staff but the majority are selected for their skill, knowledge and expertise to meet the needs of the school.

The core responsibilities of a Governing Board are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of the staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial management of the organisation and making sure money is well spent

The Governing Board plays a crucial role in holding the school to account for securing the best possible outcomes for its pupils. By challenging key decisions and asking probing questions about the school’s performance data, governors can help to guarantee high standards of education provision.

Governors are linked to a specific area of the school’s work or a statutory responsibility e.g. early years, special educational needs. Details of the Governing Board membership and their specific responsibilities can be found below.

The full Governing Board meets at least three times a term to review progress against the school development plan. Governors also visit the school during the working day to see for themselves how the school runs on a day-to-day basis and to monitor progress against the school’s priorities with their linked member of staff.

The Clerk to the Governing Body is David Laird and he can be contacted on ‘’

The Chair of Governors, Mark Peters, can be contacted on ‘’

The Governors are:

Mark Peters – Co-opted Governor, Chair of Governing Body, Member of Business and Learning & Personal Development Committees

It took over a year for me to find a primary school within south London that fitted with my educational ethos and mirrored the philosophy of Hornsby House School where I am Deputy Head, which is so important. Part of my current role is to build links between our school and other organisations within the community and therefore the commonality that both schools share in terms of being creative, progressive and nurturing environments has proved a perfect fit. I thoroughly enjoy supporting the highly skilled and dedicated staffroom at Larkhall to ensure the school continues to build on its recent success.

Paula Gordon – Staff Governor, Member of Learning & Personal Development Committee

Both of my children attended Larkhall Primary. I started work as a volunteer reader and worked my way up to Learning Mentor during the time my son was here & I have watched the school go from strength to strength. I became a governor to be more a part of the team as we progress from good to great. As the saying goes, be the change you want to see.

Martin Forde – Parent Governor, Member of Business Committee

I am a parent governor with twin girls who are now in year two and have been at the school since nursery. I am delighted with their education and feel the school is making tremendous progress. I am often at the school and would encourage parents to approach me with any issues which they feel would benefit from governor input.

Charles Powell-Chandler – Co-opted Governor, Member of Learning & Personal Development Committee

I am a parent of a child attending Larkhall and I want to bring my employment experience and skillset to the Governing Body of the school.

Michael Jefferson – Co-opted Governor, Chair of Business Committee

I have lived in Lambeth for 10 years and have become a Governor at Larkhall because I wanted be more involved in the community and local education. I am keen to use my skills working in finance to help the school and children achieve all they can. I am proud to be able to support the excellent work of all those involved with Larkhall.

Rosemary Madagwa – Co-opted Governor, Member of Business Committee

I joined the Larkhall Governing Body in December 2018 and, having being a student in Lambeth, I am looking forward to the challenge of being a school governor.

Jenny Kohnhorst – Co-opted Governor, Chair of Learning & Personal Development Committee

I joined the Larkhall Governing Body in December 2018 and am keen to share my experiences and be part of the Larkhall journey.

Marcia Asare – Parent Governor, Member of Business Committee

I am a parent of a child attending Larkhall and I want to bring my employment experience and skillset to the Governing Body of the school.

Linh Harper – Parent Governor, Member of Learning & Personal Development Committee

I joined the Larkhall Governing Body in September 2021. I am the parent of three children at the school and I want to be part of the Governing Body so I can see for myself the decision making that takes place that effects children’s education. and am keen to share my experiences and be part of the Larkhall journey.

Barnaby Ellis – Co-opted Governor, Member of Business Committee

I joined the Larkhall Governing Body in April 2021. I am a local resident and wanted to get involved because I hear so many positive things about the school.

Governors Documents