Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 1st December 2023


  1. Winter Fair
  2. Christmas Shows
  3. EYFS Changes
  4. Woodlark House Changes
  5. Larkhall Primary Campus Family Centre
  6. Two-Year-Old Nursery
  7. Key Dates for Year

Are you or anyone you know entitled to 15 hours of FREE funding for your 2 year-old? If so, we are currently taking applications for our Little Larks Nursery.  If you require more information or support to find out if you are eligible for the funding, please contact the office on 020 7622 3820.

Dear Families

Please see below the latest Newsletter. As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is available to view on the website and onto Dojo.


Another reminder, we are getting excited about our upcoming Winter Fair.

If you would like to have a stall at the Winter Fair to sell your own products, please do message Victoria on dojo. The cost of hiring a stall is £20.

We will also need parent volunteers or ex-pupils to come along and run some of the stalls. If you are able to help or have any older children who would be happy to come along and help please do let me know.

Finally, there will be no Hub after school club taking place on the day of the Winter Fair.


As usual, there will be four Christmas Shows across the school. Please see the dates below. Further details will be sent to all families closer to the time. In the meantime, these are the dates of the shows.

Year 1-3 Christmas Show
Please add to your diaries to join us for some Christmas singing and cheer on Monday 18th December.

Woodlark House Christmas Show
Please add to your diaries to join us for some Christmas singing and cheer on Tuesday 19th December.

EYFS Christmas Show
Please add to your diaries to join us for some Christmas singing and cheer on Wednesday 20th December.

Year 4-6 Christmas Show
Please add to your diaries to join us for some Christmas singing and cheer on Wednesday 20th December.


the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) will be moving from its present location to the main school site from September 2024. The EYFS will be based on the ground floor and will incorporate the Two-Year-Old Nursery, the Three/Four-Year-Old Nursery and Reception class. The first phase of this move will be the Two-Year-Old Nursery moving across from January 2024, with the remaining classes moving across in September 2024.


In addition to these changes to mainstream primary school, I am really excited to announce that Woodlarks House Autism Provision is expanding and will incorporate the entire lower school site. This expansion has already started. In September 2023 the size increased to 56. There will be a further intake of 8 children in January 2024 to take the total to 64 and the final increase will be from September, taking the total to 72. In September Woodlarks House Autism Provision will incorporate the entire lower school site on Smedley Street. This increase ensures that Woodlark House Autism Provision will be able to accommodate children from all of the primary year groups, from Reception to Year 6.


I want to remind all of our families that the Larkhall Family Centre is available to support families in the local and

wider community. The sessions available include Stay and Play where families can enjoy playing with their little

one. It’s a great way to meet other parents and families in the local area. The Stay and Play sessions will include

Rhyme Time and Storytelling led by our Early Years Specialist. Don’t forget, you can let any friends or family

members know they are able to access these sessions regardless of where they live. Please contact the school for

more information.


Are you or anyone you know entitled to 15 hours of FREE funding for your 2 year-old? If so, we are currently taking applications for our Little Larks Nursery.  If you require more information or support to find out if you are eligible for the funding, please contact the office on 020 7622 3820.

Key Dates

Wednesday 13th DecemberWinter Fair
Friday 15th DecemberChristmas Lunch and Jumper Day
Friday 21st DecemberSchool finishes at 1:00pm
Monday 8th JanuarySchool Closes – Staff Inset Training
Tuesday 9th JanuaryChildren return to school

That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. Myself and other members of the senior leadership team are also always either on Smedley Street or Gaskell Street every morning from 8:30am.

Best wishes
