The Governing Body is responsible for approving all the school policies. Key policy summaries are noted below with accompanying links to the policies.
Paper copies are availabe from the school. Please contact the school Reception on 020 76223820 for more information.
Acceptable Use Policy
The School provides a range of ICT resources which are available to staff members and governors. In order to ensure the safety of both staff, governors and pupils, it is important that all staff members and governors follow the guidelines in this policy.
Admission Policy
At Larkhall we follow the Lambeth local authority guidelines on admissions for both Reception intake and in-year transfers.
Assessment and Feedback Policy
To ensure excellent progress is made by all children we track progress through daily, formative assessments and summative assessments. Children’s work is consistently moderated to ensure they are benchmarked against National Curriculum levels.
Attendance Policy
The first part of the policy describes the role of the parents and their statutory responsibilities. If a child is absent then parents should report this to the school giving the reasons. The school will decide whether the absence is authorised or un-authorised.
Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy
In this policy we set out the expectations, rewards, sanctions and procedures that we follow to ensure that good behaviour is promoted and that support is clearly in place to address any areas of concern. This policy addresses both the promotion of positive behaviour, in accordance with our school’s general aims and ethos, in relation to children’s personal, social and moral development, and also our policy on rewards and sanctions with regard to pupils’ behaviour.
Business Continuity and Critical Incident Policy
This has been written for those who will be involved in re-establishing the operational delivery of services following a critical incident. It informs the procedures to ensure operational delivery is maintained as much as possible after an incident.
Charging and Lettings Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that statutory regulations with regards to charging are met by the school and that there is clarity about aspects for which it is the school’s responsibility to fund activities, where it is reasonable to request voluntary contribution and where it is reasonable to pass on a charge to parents.
Complaints Policy
The first part of the policy describes the informal stages of a complaint which would usually be directed through a teacher or another member of staff. It then goes on to describe how a complaint can be escalated through to a formal stage and dealt with first by a senior member of staff or Head Teacher and then if there seems to be no adequate resolution to the governing body.
Curriculum Policy
At Larkhall we are dedicated to providing a rich, experiential curriculum which promotes children’s independence, a thirst for enquiry and a lifelong passion for learning. We believe this is done best through cross-curricular learning, in which children learn through purposeful, topic based contexts.
Data Breach Policy
The data schools hold is considerable. Any breaches of the guidelines surrounding the holding and use of this date are treated in the utmost seriousness. This policy outlines the measures in place to resolve issues concerning breaches of data.
Data Protection Policy
This policy documents how the school provides protection for personal data that is kept within the school such as admission registers, attendance registers, staff personnel files etc.
Data Protection Privacy Notice
This document details how we use people’s personal data that we have collected from them.
Data Protection Privacy Notice
Data Retention Policy
The School has a responsibility to maintain its records and record keeping systems. The policy reflects the School’s current practice, the requirements of current legislation and best practice and guidance.
First Aid Policy
The policy outlines preventative measures we put in place to reduce the likelihood of accidents but also addresses the actions we take if an injury does occur. The key guiding principle is that we all have a shared responsibility although our roles in relation to this.
Freedom of Information Policy
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives individuals the right to access official information from public bodies. Under the Act, any person has a legal right to ask for access to information held by the school. They are entitled to be told whether the school holds the information, and to receive a copy, subject to certain exemptions. This policy outlines this procedure.
Financial Regulations Policy
This policy is written in accordance with the Financial Regulations for Schools, as laid out in the Finance Manual for Schools. The policy lays down formally the overall management of the school budget and the day-to-day management of the school’s financial affairs.
Health and Safety Policy
The whole school community and in particular staff and others that are working or helping at Larkhall, have a responsibility for the well-being of children. This means that if something is causing you concern where you feel a child or adult could be hurt, injured or harmed please report this to a senior member of staff or take immediate action if this is necessary.
Home Learning
At Larkhall we agree the purpose of home learning is to offer children the opportunity to refine, practice and embed their existing knowledge building on the learning they have done in class. We have key ‘expectations’ around what children should do each week at home, and also offer other ‘opportunities’ which further support and develop their knowledge.
Online Safety
This policy ensures that the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is paramount when adults, young people or children are using the internet, social media or mobile devices. It provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to online safety. It also ensures that, as an organisation, we operate in line with our values and within the law in terms of how we use online devices.
Public Sector Equality Duty
The school actively encourages and supports respect for human rights, as well as respect for children’ parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.
The school aims to create a working environment that is positive, respectful and trusting, in which the development of all school staff is actively promoted.
High expectations and achievement for all children are invigorated through highly effective teaching, world-class opportunities and a supportive family ethos.
Relationship and Sex Education Policy
Our aim at Larkhall Primary Campus is that our children will be given the knowledge and skills to be confident, curious and creative members of their community. This is underpinned by the commitment to supporting children to grow and develop academically, socially and emotionally. Positive, respectful relationships with ourselves, our families, our friends and others are central to children’ development. Our approach to teaching children about relationships therefore has respect as the core thread throughout all the year groups.
Remote (Blended) Learning Policy
This policy outlines the way in which Larkhall will provide continuity of education in the event of a partial or extended whole school closure.
Safeguarding Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all our children remain safe. The purpose of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is to set out the general principles, terminology and protocols that we operate to keep the children at Larkhall safe from harm. The intention is to describe, in broad terms the key roles and responsibilities of all staff, how we work with other agencies and how we respond to Child Protection issues. It is also intended to be a reference for staff to help them understand how Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures operate.
SEND Policy
The aim of this policy is to promote inclusive practice and ensure that all children, whatever their needs or barriers to learning they are able to make excellent progress. The purpose is to describe how we intend inclusion at Larkhall to be reflected within the school environment, the curriculum and within teaching and learning. The policy provides guidance on matters of equality and educational inclusion and outlines the principles that underpin our inclusive practice. Please also see the school SEND Report; This report provides information for Parents and Carers on how we support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within the Mainstream school provision. For information about our Autism Resource Base please visit the section of the website titled ‘Woodlarks Autism Resource Base’.
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
The first part of the policy makes it clear that medical care of the children at Larkhall is a shared responsibility between parents, the school and other health professionals. Staff are provided with appropriate and relevant training and all understand that they have a duty of care to the children we are collectively responsible for.
Teaching and Learning Policy
The purpose of the policy is to describe what we want teaching and learning to ‘look like’ at Larkhall and achieve an appropriate level of consistency of excellent practice across the school. The policy is central to the core purpose of the school and as such is the cornerstone of many other school policies.
Trip Policy
At Larkhall we believe every child should experience a wide range of opportunities to learn about the world around them and the roles people play in both the local community and wider world. Each term teachers will plan for at least one trip or visitor for the children.