Assessment, Achievement & Progress

The starting point has to be based on an understanding of how the pupils’ autism impacts on their learning. We use the SCERTS curriculum, which is a nationally recognised evidence based framework for pupils with a diagnosis of ASD which addresses areas of strength and difficulty associated with autism. We carry out SCERTS assessments twice a year (Jan and July) and use them to set IEP targets. IEP targets are considered in teachers planning of lessons.

Academic progress is measured against Pre Key Stage Standards and the National Curriculum. B SQUARED Progression Steps is used to record the small steps progress within the pre key stage standards and NC levels. A variety of evidence including; photos, videos, work samples and observations is collected and monitored to ensure coverage and that the evidence matches with teacher assessments.

For pupils who are not yet engaged in subject-specific learning we use the The Engagement Model and the B squared Engagement Steps assessment tool. The model has 5 areas: exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation.

Assessment is on-going throughout the child’s day in order that we build a clear picture of their abilities. Skills need to be assessed in range of situations to ensure that that the pupils are able to generalise.

Apart from setting termly targets for the core subjects, teachers also set 3 targets for each pupil which are agreed and reviewed with parents on a termly basis. Pupil progress meetings take place mid – year.

The arrangements for monitoring and evaluating the proposed curriculum and for adjusting it if objectives seem unlikely to be achieved;

Termly meetings are held with teaching staff to evaluate themes.
Regular opportunities for staff to feedback on areas of the curriculum in terms of access for children and progress
The objectives are reviewed termly
Termly monitoring of teaching and learning is carried out.
Moderation of children’s learning takes place across the centre
Monitoring of assessment evidence and data takes place twice a year
IEP monitoring is ongoing and targets are reviewed twice a year
We work closely with a range of professionals to ensure that pupils have access to a curriculum that is suitably modified and differentiated to allow them to achieve and succeed.
Annual review meetings are held to look at progress against the long term and medium term outcomes and to set new outcomes. We ensure the children’s needs are correctly reflected in the EHCP and if necessary adjustments are made during these multi-agency meetings.