School Trips


 At Larkhall we believe every child should experience a wide range of opportunities to learn about the world around them and the roles people play in both the local community and wider world.

Each half term teachers will plan for at least one trip or visitor for the children both in the main school and Woodlark Autism Provision. This may be linked to their topic or be a special event, such as a sports competition. All parents will be asked to make individual contributions for each trip their child goes on.

Children in the EYFS will experience going on a trip or meeting a visitor linked to their learning every 2 terms and will make the most of exploring the local area when out on a trip.


WE typically organise 6 trips or special visitor workshops every year linked to topic learning.
Examples include museums, art galleries, Tower of London, Greenwich Observatory


Walking trips with no public transport. In the home learning diary is a permission form for parents to sign to cover local areas trips for the whole year. Library, Cinema, Connected Learning Centre (CLC), Sports Day, Local Parks and Shops, Swimming (Y3)


Children visit 6 different places of worship during RE Week.

Year 1 – Christianity
Year 2 – Islam
Year 3 – Judaism
Year 4 – Hinduism
Year 5 – Sikhism
Year 6 – Buddhism


These provide the opportunity to experience being away from home and develop independence. A typical residential trip would include Year 6 – Sayers Croft outdoor activity centre for a week.


These are special extra trips each term for selected children, for the following reasons:

Being a fantastic role model

Excellent attendance

Making great progress with their learning.

Examples include Pizza Express, Ice Skating, Museums, sporting events, concerts


Larkhall teams are regularly taken out to sporting events to compete against other schools. Examples include football, netball, athletics, tag rugby.

Parents are asked to make a small contribution towards the costs of all trips.