Newsletter 28th May 2021

Dear Families This is the find letter this half term and as always I hope you and your families are keeping well. Please see the latest information and news below,

Newsletter 14th May 2021

Dear Families This is the third letter this half term and as always I hope you and your families are keeping well. Please see the latest information and news below,

Newsletter 7th May 2021

Dear Families This is the second weekly letter this half term and as always I hope you and your families are keeping well. Please see the latest information and news

Newsletter 23rd April 2021

Dear Families This is the first weekly letter this half term and as always I hope you and your families are keeping well. Hopefully, by the end of this term

Newsletter 17th April 2021

Dear parents/Carers You may be aware that yesterday the Government announced that school will continue to be closed after the Easter holidays until further notice. For full details of what

Newsletter 30th March 2021

Dear Parents This is the final weekly letter this half term and as always, I hope you and your families are as well as can be expected in the present

Newsletter 19th March 2021

Dear Parents This is the fourth weekly letter this half term and as always, I hope you and your families are as well as can be expected in the present

Newsletter 12th March 2021

Dear Parents, Welcome back everyone! It was lovely to see so many happy children (and parents!) coming into school this week. It has been such a wonderful week. Having all

Update 4th March 2021

Larkhall Primary School

Dear Families We are so looking forward to welcoming all our families back to school on Monday 8th March.  Thank you for supporting home learning, which we know has been

Update 26th February 2021

Dear parents, This is the first weekly letter this half term and as always, I want to start off by hoping you and your families are as well as can