Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter
Friday 27th May 2022
Dear Families
I hope you and your families are keeping well. Please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. The Newsletter is being sent via email and Dojo.
- Knowledge and Understanding the World Day
- Outdoor Learning Week
- Year 1 Phonics Workshop for Parents
- Pyjama Day
- Jubilee Day
This is such a great date in the school calendar. All of the children focus on a continent. What makes Larkhall such a wonderful environment is the diversity of the children and families. We truly bring the world together at Larkhall.
The children study the physical features of each continent, as well as the human features. They look at the key events that shaped the history of each continent, as well of course the geography of each one. Please see below the continent each year group will be looking at.
The children’s achievements will be updated on the twitter feed and celebrated in Friday morning assembly.
EYFS Antarctica | Y4 Asia |
Y1 Africa | Y5 North America |
Y2 South America | Y6 Europe |
Y3 Australia |
This is another example of how we try to bring the curriculum alive to the children here at Larkhall. Links are made across all of the curriculum subject areas in order to ensure all of the skills and knowledge the children experience are linked.
Outdoor Learning Week sees the children carry out fieldwork and observational studies, making use of the studying the geography of the school and grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. The learning is truly brought out of the classroom.
Again, the children’s achievements will be updated on the twitter feed and celebrated in Friday morning assembly.
It was great to see so many families attend the Year 1 Phonics Workshop. Elena and the Year 1 team really value the support of all of the families across Year 1. Phonics understanding is such a critical part of the children’s development during the early part of primary school. I’m sure the parents who attended felt it was very worthwhile and will undoubtedly help the children develop their phonics skills and knowledge. It was another example of home and school working together in order to ensure our children realise their huge potential.
Larkhall Pyjamarama Day was held on May 27th. To remind all of our families, Larkhall held a Pyjama Day to raise money for books for our class libraries! On this date the children came to school wearing their pyjamas and brought in £1 to donate. The children brought in their favourite books from home and they all celebrated stories with each other.
A big thank you to all parents who managed to make a donation. I know these are uncertain times, so any money collected is a he bonus. There are plenty of images of this date on our twitter feed.
On Wednesday 8th June, we will be celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s 70th Anniversary Jubilee. This is truly momentous day in our nation’s history, one which we may never see again. Families are asked to send their child into school with a snack to enjoy. Children have been asked to bring in water bottles as usual.
If any family has a picnic blanket to lend, then please send them in (named) so children can share them.
EYFS and Woodlark House will celebrate on the lower school site and Year 1- 6 will all sit on the main playground where they would normally be for the end of the day.
That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street gates each morning from 8:40am.
Best wishes