Newsletter 24th September 2021

Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 24th September 2021

Dear Families

I hope you and your families are keeping well. As always, there is lots of information contained within this newsletter. Please take the time to read it. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways.


After School Clubs

Clubs are back and we are so excited to invite your children to join us for clubs this term. We are offering 9 After Schools, together with an Art Club on Wednesday at 2:15pm.

  • Most clubs are from 3.15 – 4.15 and you collect your child from the main school playground.
  • Y1-2 art will take place during the school day
  • Clubs need to be paid for in full before spaces will be allocated
  • Log into your SIMS Agora account to book and pay for your space today!
  • The Clubs are below
Multisports Y1-6 3.15-4.15 16 spaces £20 for 11 weeks   Beaming Stars Gymnastics 3.15-4.15 20 spaces £60 for 12 weeks   Newspaper Club Y4-6 3.15-4.15 10 spaces £20 for 11 weeksMultisports Y1-3 3.15-4.15 16 spaces  £12 for 6 weeks   Chess Y3-6 3.15-4.15 14 spaces £20 for 11 weeksArt  Y1-2  2.15 – 3.15 12 spaces £20 for 11 weeks   Art Y3-6 3.15-4.15 16 spaces £20 for 11 weeksFootball Y4-6 3.15-4.15 16 spaces £12 for 6 weeks   Mindfulness Y1-6 3.15-4.15 16 spaces £20 for 11 weeksNetball Team (by invite only) 3.15-4.15

Wednesday Clubs

These happen weekly for children in Y3-6 so do ask your child which club they did this week! They will try all clubs this term and then choose their favourite to continue with after half term. The Clubs are:

Cooking    Sports

Art    Construction

Music        Gardening

Puzzles and Board Games

Dance and Gymnastics

School Council

Meet the New School Councillors

Year GroupChildrenChildren
Year 1NafeesaEmmanuel
Year 2CassiusNariyah
Year 2ShaylaOliver
Year 3AmiraFarhan
Year 3LilyOpeyemi
Year 4YvetteAmalia
Year 5JadeLauren
Year 5ChideraEmily
Year 6ByronJahmannie
Year 6YameenOmar

The Aims of the School Council for 2021 – 2022 are:

  • Make school even better than it already is
  • Discuss ideas in regular meetings
  • Give children of Lark Hall a voice
  • Be role models

Larkhall Primary Campus and Family Centre Launch Event

A reminder that the launch event for Larkhall Primary Campus and Family Centre is Thursday 30th September at 3:30pm. We would like to invite all of our families and their friends and family to this event. Please join us for:

  • Food Stalls
  • Face Painting
  • Bouncy Castle
  • Game and Activities
  • Family Centre Tours

Covid Guidance

I wanted to update you all with the latest Covid guidance

Children should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).

If any child in school develops symptoms, however mild, we will send them home to seek a test and isolate.

If they do not have symptoms, the latest government guidance is that children are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.

Instead, they will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace, informed they have been in close contact with a positive case and advised to take a PCR test.

We would encourage all individuals to take a PCR test if advised to do so. They should also wear a face covering when travelling on public or dedicated transport.

Please inform the school immediately if your child tests positive for Covid.

Dates for your Diary

  • Online Safety Week Commencing 4th October (more information to follow next week)
  • Religious Education Focus Week Commencing 18th October (more information closer to the time)
  • Parents Evening Wednesday 20th October
  • School Closed for INSET Monday 1st November
  • School Photographs 10th November

Many thank you to all of our families for working with us in order for the school to get back to normal. If any parents have any comments they would to share, lease do speak to me or a member of the team. We are always happy to receive input.

Best wishes
