Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter
Friday 23rd September 2022
Dear Families
I hope you and your families are keeping well. Please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. The Newsletter is being sent via email and Dojo.
- Secondary Transfer Meetings
- Packed Lunches
- Family Centre
- Breakfast and After School Club
- Uniform and Clothing
- Non-Uniform Day and Movie Night
The Larkhall Learning Mentor, Paula Gordon, and myself have hosted two Secondary Transfer meetings for our Year 6 children. These meetings are aimed at the families of Year 6 children who will be starting secondary in September 2023. If any Year 6 families missed these opportunities, then please get in touch with the school reception and Paula or myself will be more than happy to help you. Of course, if any Year 5 families would like information about the secondary transfer process, then please get in touch wit the school reception and either myself or Paula will be in touch.
Eating and understanding healthy food is essential for good development for young children and learning about healthy mind and healthy body are key parts of our curriculum.
If you choose for your child to have a packed lunch, our packed lunch policy is:
- One healthy starchy food – e.g. sandwich, pasta, rice, potatoes
- A portion of vegetables – e.g. cucumber or carrot fingers
- A portion of fruit
- One small packet such as crisps, breadsticks or rice cakes
- One dairy snack – e.g. cheese or yoghurt (sugar free)
- Water
Staff in the dinner hall will be checking packed lunches each day and seeing that they meet our expected standards. If they do not we will be sending home a note with your child to remind you of what needs to be in a packed lunch box.
I want to remind all of our families that the Larkhall Family Centre is available to support families in the local and wider community. The sessions available include Stay and Play where families can enjoy playing with their little one. It’s a great way to meet other parents and families in the local area. The Stay and Play sessions will include Rhyme Time and Storytelling led by our Early Years Specialist. Don’t forget, you can let any friends or family members know they are able to access these sessions regardless of where they live. Please contact the school for more information.
Larkhall offer both a Breakfast Club and After School Club. These are both led and supervised by Larkhall support staff. If you require either a place at the Breakfast Club and/or the Hub After School provision, please provide us with plenty of notice. Please contact the school reception for more information about both. For the HUB, if you require it on the same day, you will need to make bookings before 11:00am on the day in question.
Children should always wear appropriate clothing for school. We have school uniform that should be worn at all times. We can also see the weather is turning and it is important children wear suitable coats during these months. Finally, please label all children’s clothing. Without your child’s name being on their clothing, it is very hard to find a lost item of clothing.
We are so grateful for your support on our fundraising days. Friday 23rd September will be Non-Uniform Day and Wednesday 19th October will be a Movie Night. We will be raising money which will go directly to the purchase of more reading books for our children. A big thank you in advance for your support with these initiatives. You will hear more details about these and future events in the coming weeks.
That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street gates each morning from 8:30am.
Best wishes