Newsletter 20th January 2023

Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 20th January 2023


  1. Curriculum Enrichment
  2. Parent Workshops

Welcome back

Dear Families

Please find enclosed the latest Larkhall Newsletter. As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is being put on the website and onto Dojo.


Below is a typical two-week period in the life of the Larkhall curriculum. We are incredibly passionate about our curriculum and know the children thrive when their lives are enriched through the teachers delivering it. Some year groups have been on external activities; some have had workshops and some have simply had their teachers bring the curriculum alive. What they all share is a determination all staff have of enriching our children’s learning. 


The children enjoyed using movement and their voices in a Perform UK Drama workshop. They even got to practise some pretend circus skills! The children and staff had a fantastic time and they are still talking about their experience.

Year 1

The children went on a trip to Clapham Library. They returned their old books and chose 10 new ones about their new topic of space. They really enjoyed being at the library and choosing from the great selection of books.

Year 1 have also planted elephant garlic, broad beans and onion seeds. They spoke about what plants need to grow and were very happy when it started raining because they knew the plants need it!

Also, Year 1 children recognised a space ship had crash landed in our playground! Year 1 used their curiosity to ask questions and were just like the noticing meerkat in investigating what happened. They wondered who (or what) was in the space ship. After predicting what had happened and investigating the crashed space ship, Year 1 read the story of Beegu and realised it must be her rocket! They made ‘lost’ posters to put around the school to try and find Beegu to help her.

Year 2

The children had a fantastic Explorers day.  They made compasses, jam sandwiches, practised our directions and used a map to hunt for clues in pairs. It ended with a hot chocolate outside! They demonstrated excellent team work and collaboration.

Year 3

The children had an amazing time at the Natural History Museum, linked to their topic ‘Digging Dinosaurs’. The children travelled through a metallic globe, experienced an earthquake and met a terrifying T-Rex. The children were excellent representatives for Larkhall and as always, we are very proud of them.

Back in school, Year 3 investigated dinosaur skeletons. They used their questioning muscle and worked as a team to figure out what dinosaur it was. They labelled a diagram of a dinosaur skeleton thinking about what each part was. They also worked in pairs to try and decide if 10 statements about dinosaurs were myths or facts. They used their empathy and listening muscles and ability to understand others to respectfully challenge opinions and come to a decision.

Year 4

The children have used put their knowledge of area and Roman shields to design and make their own using mosaic art. There was a great demonstration of planning and imagining muscles being used.

Year 4 also started their emotional journal for their 10 minute ‘Drop Everything and Write’. They were able to express their thoughts and things that have been positive as part of promoting a healthy mind

Year 5

The children have been playing ‘environmental snakes and ladders’ after discussing the positive and negative impacts of humans on the environment. They have also been composing soundscapes for the ‘Varmints’ trailer using Garageband. Finally, they have been conducting internet and book research on unique Amazonian animals.

Year 6

The children explored the local Stockwell area. They looked at what was built on the bomb sites of WW2. They explored land use and human geography. Whilst in P.E. they took part in Boxing, practising the jab and the uppercut. The children also coached each other. Meanwhile, as part of their topic ‘Friend or Foe’, they had an editing party for their settings descriptions.


In the last Newsletter I highlighted the upcoming Parent Workshops (Early Years Phonics Support on January 19th and Year 1 Homework Support on January 18th. They were both a huge success and I know the families who could attend received lots of support and advice. Please look out for other Workshops held across other year groups.

That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street or Smedley Street gates each morning from 8:30am.

Best wishes
