Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 9th June 2023


  1. HSBC Smart Money Award
  2. Uniform Update
  3. Celebration Assembly
  4. Larkhall Primary Campus Family Centre
  5. Knowledge and Understanding the World
  6. Outdoor Learning Week

Dear Families

Please see below the latest Newsletter. As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is being put on the website and onto Dojo.


Recently, members of HSBC UK Financial Education Team have visited Larkhall in order to present HSBC educational sessions to our children. They have supported our children with their financial literacy over the past year. 

Both the children and staff found these sessions beneficial and they have undoubtedly helped increase our children’s financial confidence and knowledge.

I am delighted to inform you all that Larkhall Primary Campus has been selected to receive the 2023 HSBC UK Smart Money Award.

To celebrate the school achieving this award, representatives of HSBC UK Financial Education Team will visit the school once again o present the trophy during an assembly.


An update on uniform for the summer term. 

In the summer all of the below are fine:

  • Summer dresses – any of the 4 colours
  • shorts and polo top
  • skirts and polo top
  • hats – Larkhall only caps – can be bought from office

The following are NOT allowed:

  • sunglasses
  • sun hats that are not Larkhall caps
  • jewellery – necklaces, hooped earrings, bracelets, rings etc
  • lip gloss


I want to remind all of our families that Celebration Assembly plays such an important part of the school week. It is the

culmination of all of the hard our children do each week. I know all of our children are keen to be awarded this accolade.

Each Celebration Assembly takes place each Friday morning at 8:50am.

I know many of our parents have other commitments, but if your child is awarded this certificate, then it would be great if parents were able to make it.


I want to remind all of our families that the Larkhall Family Centre is available to support families in the local and

wider community. The sessions available include Stay and Play where families can enjoy playing with their little

one. It’s a great way to meet other parents and families in the local area. The Stay and Play sessions will include

Rhyme Time and Storytelling led by our Early Years Specialist. Don’t forget, you can let any friends or family

members know they are able to access these sessions regardless of where they live. Please contact the school for

more information.


This is such a great date in the school calendar. All of the children focus on a continent. What makes Larkhall such a wonderful environment is the diversity of the children and families. We truly bring the world together at Larkhall.

The children study the physical features of each continent, as well as the human features. They look at the key events that shaped the history of each continent.

The children’s achievements will be updated on the twitter feed and celebrated in Friday morning assembly.


This is another example of how we try to bring the curriculum alive to the children here at Larkhall. Links are made across all of the curriculum subject areas in order to ensure all of the skills and knowledge the children experience are linked.

Outdoor Learning Week sees the children carry out fieldwork and observational studies, making use of the studying the geography of the school and grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. The learning is truly brought out of the classroom.

Again, the children’s achievements will be updated on the twitter feed and celebrated in Friday morning assembly.

That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street gates each morning from 8:30am.

Best wishes
