Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter
Friday 5th May 2023
- Larkhall Mini London Marathon
- Warmer Weather
- Emotion Coaching
- Year 1 Phonics Workshop
- Assessment Arrangements
- Enriched Curriculum
Dear Families
Please see below the latest Newsletter. As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is being put on the website and onto Dojo.
This term, Larkhall Primary will be taking part in the TCS Mini London Marathon in Schools and helping to break a Guinness World Record!
From 9th May all children will run, walk or jog 1 mile with their class. They will also be given a sponsorship form to take home and help raise money for new PE Resources in our school.
We hope you will support them in getting excited about taking part, and in their fundraising efforts! Please return all completed forms with any money raised to the office by Friday 19th May. Thank you!
As the weather starts to warm up please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle, sun cream applied before school and a Larkhall sun hat. Sunglasses are not required at school.
Larkhall logo caps can be purchased on Pay360. If you do not have access or would like help with logging on, please come to the main school office.
Please also label your child’s jumper, this will help to prevent it being misplaced.
Larkhall Primary Campus will be hosting free Emotion Coaching workshop for Larkhall Parents to learn strategies and techniques for supporting your child’s emotional wellbeing and behaviour. This workshop is suitable for both Mainstream and Woodlarks parents and everyone is welcome. It would be helpful to know if you are planning to attend so please write a comment or send me a dojo message.
Join us for a safe and supportive space, where all are welcome, on the following dates:
- Tuesday 13th June at 8:45
- Friday 16th June at 8:45am
The Year 1 team will be holding a Phonics workshop for Year 1 parents to let you know about the upcoming Phonics Screening Check Year 1 will be doing next term and how you can support with Phonics at home.
These will be held over the coming days, so please look out for the details.
During the summer term, a number of our children will be taking part in statutory school assessments. These are below.
Year 1 | Phonics Screening Check |
Year 2 | Reading, Writing and Maths |
Year 4 | Maths – Multiplication Times Tables Check |
Year 6 | Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar and Maths |
I am sure you will join me in wishing all of our staff and children the very best of luck in these tests.
As part of our DNA we are committed to provide stimulating learning opportunities, introducing children to an enriched curriculum. Recently, our children have been on the following learning visits:
- Reception visiting the library
- Year 1 trip to the Fire Station
- Year 2 trip to London Zoo
- Year 3 on a local area walk
- Year 4 trip to the Imperial War Museum
- Year 5 trip to the British Museum
As a footnote, Year 6 have been working hard for their SATs tests and I know there are enriched activities lined up for them after these important tests.
That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street gates each morning from 8:30am.
Best wishes