Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 24th March 2023


  1. Year 4 Trip to Wetlands Centre
  2. EYFS Maths Week
  3. Maths Bee
  4. Comic Relief Red Nose Day
  5. Year 4 Class Assembly
  6. Lost Property and Lost Property Friday

Dear Families

I hope you all had a very restful half-term. It was great to see the children return to school on Monday.

As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is being put on the website and onto Dojo.


The children were FANTASTIC on their trip to Wetlands. They had such a lovely time learning how to become Guardians of the Wild at WWT London Wetland Centre.

It was also a lovely opportunity for them to gain inspiration for their fable writing.

They have all been given log ins to continue the project online and will be awarded certificates and badges if they complete it. Please encourage them to log in and take part online. The centre were also kind enough to provide all families with a ticket allowing your whole family to visit for free in the future so please keep this safe.

I would like to thank you all for preparing the children well and a special thanks to all the adults that volunteered.


This celebration of Maths took place between Monday March 21st and Friday March 24th.

Lots of our parents came into school and joined us in soft starts during this week to find out how to support the children with their maths!

Every morning the staff demonstrated a range of simple activities for families to try at home with their children to help them master numbers and become great mathematicians!

We explored numbers, patterns and shapes. The children have been learning how numbers can be represented in different ways and that Maths is all around us.

Both children and parents really enjoyed playing and sharing their number skills with parents during this Maths Week!


Well done to everyone who competed in the Maths Bee! Some amazing mental maths and knowledge of number facts was shown across the school. Every year the standard gets higher and the children simply blow us away with their maths skills. I’m sure the parents who were in attendance will agree, the standard of their maths knowledge and the speed with which they answered questions is truly impressive.

Thank you also to all parents who came to watch and a huge thank you to Amy and Ayesha.


As always, we celebrated Red Nose Day on Friday, 17th March.

All children and staff were invited to come dressed to school in red or pink and bring in £1 to donate towards Comic Relief. It was such a fun day and the staff and children had a wonderful time.

Of course, it is also an amazing charity, supporting children up and down the country and a big thank you for all of your donations.


Year 4 did an amazing job for their Class assembly teaching the rest of the school about ‘Fabulous Fables’. They even performed a fable they had written themselves. Performing to an audience and in such a fashion is not an easy thing to do and all of the Year 4 team, children and staff alike, deserve huge thanks for their efforts. 


Coats and other items that are left in the playground are hung up under the decking so do make sure you go and check there if your child loses an item of clothing. You can do this every day.

Things that are lost such as jumpers, water bottles, scarves, gloves etc will be put out for collection each Friday at 1.00pm and 3.30pm for those who stay at school.

Please remember to name everything that your child brings into school as this helps things to be returned to their rightful owner.

That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. I am also always on the Gaskell Street or Smedley Street gates each morning from 8:30am.

Best wishes
