Larkhall Primary Campus Newsletter

Friday 15th September 2023


  1. Attendance and Punctuality
  2. Class Newsletters
  3. Secondary Transfer Meetings
  4. Year 6 Leaders
  5. Enriched Curriculum
  6. Twitter Feed

Dear Families

Please see below the first Newsletter of this academic year. I do hope you managed to have a good summer break. I hope you and your families are keeping well.

As always, please take the time to look at the information within this Newsletter. It is being put on the website and onto Dojo.


I want to highlight the continued focus we are placing on the importance of your child attending school on time each and every day. The attendance and punctuality of children at Larkhall continues to be a major focus.

Routines are so important for our children as is the need to develop the life skill of being on time for the start of the day. A reminder that the school gates are open from 8:30am and close at 8:45am prompt.

If the children arrive at 8:30am and at the latest 8:35am it sets them up for the day ahead as their teachers have specified work set for them at this time.


All families have received their child’s Class Newsletter for autumn term 1. They can also be found on the school website. These Newsletters are sent out at the start of each half term and are such an important part of home-school communication. They outline the learning content your child will be covering this term. Of course, after reading this Newsletter, you would like to know more about to support your child at home, then please speak to your child’s class teacher.


The Larkhall Learning Mentor, Paula Gordon, and myself have hosted two Secondary Transfer meetings on the 12th and 13th September for our Year 6 families. These meetings are aimed at the families of Year 6 children who will be starting secondary in September 2024. If any Year 6 families missed these opportunities, then please get in touch with the school reception and Paula or myself will be more than happy to help you. Of course, if any Year 5 families would like information about the secondary transfer process, then please get in touch with the school reception and either myself or Paula will be in touch.

Families can also find all of the information regarding the process of timescales of secondary transfer on the Home page of the school website, ‘


It is always exciting to see whom the new Head and Deputy Head Boy and Girl will be this year. It is always something the Year 6 children look forward to. To watch the children make their presentation during the leadership assembly is one of the highlights of the year. The way they prepare their speeches and have the courage to then stand up and give their ‘stump’ speech to the rest of the children is simply awe inspiring. Then, of course, we see real democracy in action when all of the children in school elect their chosen leaders. The results are as follows:

Head GirlDaniel
Head BoyAmalia
Deputy Head GirlIbrahim
Deputy Head BoyYvette


As always, we are determined to provide our children with many opportunities with exposing them to sports they perhaps might not access in their own time. Starting early in September we will have the following after school clubs available to our children. We are expecting many more clubs to start throughout the autumn term.



I know I often mention this, but please do take the time to look at the Larkhall Twitter feed on the school website. It is full of the amazing learning our children are demonstrating each and every week. The staff at Larkhall are fantastic at bringing the curriculum alive and this is highlighted on Twitter. It is something I highlight in each Friday morning Celebration Assembly as it enables all of the children to see what other children in school are learning about.

That’s it from me. If there is anything else myself or a member of the team can do to help and support you during this time, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual ways. Myself and other members of the senior leadership team are also always either on Smedley Street or Gaskell Street every morning from 8:30am.

Best wishes
